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Pneuma Trance®

Why Pneuma Trance®?

Pneuma Trance® is a powerful tool for self-discovery and healing through "non-ordinary states of consciousness". This introspective journey allows you to access your subconscious, release repressed emotions, explore patterns of behavior, and release emotional blocks. The benefits of this service are countless and include:

Emotional Healing: Facilitates the release of trauma and repressed emotions, which can lead to improved mental and physical health.

Increased self-awareness: Provides a deeper knowledge of oneself and allows individuals to discover and understand patterns of behavior and limiting beliefs.

Spiritual development: Offers the opportunity to explore deeper dimensions of consciousness, discovering a greater connection with the inner self and the universe.

Creativity and problem solving: Many participants report increases in creativity and the ability to find solutions to problems that previously seemed intractable.


Pneuma Trance® Breathwork is a prolonged, voluntary hyperventilation procedure, might be useful in treatment of common psychiatric conditions such as anxiety and depressive disorders.”​​

Pneuma Trance®, draws on scientific concepts from psychology and psychiatry, as well as traditional healing and spiritual practices from cultures around the world.


From a scientific perspective, Pneuma Trance® could be considered a form of exposure therapy, in which the person safely comes to grips with emotions and memories that they have been avoiding or repressing. This type of therapy has been shown to be effective for a variety of mental health disorders, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), traumas, and anxiety.

Additionally, science has shown that deep, rhythmic breathing, such as that used in Pneuma Trance®, can have a number of positive effects on the body and mind. This form of breathing can activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which is the part of our nervous system that helps us relax and restore our balance after a stressful experience. Studies conducted have also found that deep breathing can reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety.

"Pneuma Trance® Breathwork is a prolonged, voluntary hyperventilation procedure, might be useful in treatment of common psychiatric conditions such as anxiety and depressive disorders."


Pneuma Trance® is a therapeutic technique that seeks to generate a change in the state of consciousness of people. It is based on the idea that hyperventilation, that is, breathing deeply and slowly for a prolonged period without loosing the rhythm can produce different and particular levels of consciousness. This technique causes a lack of oxygen through hyperventilation, this drop in oxygen levels is what gives rise to an altered state of consciousness.

Symptoms of hyperventilation are lightheadedness, dizziness, weakness, chest pain or fast, pounding heartbeat, belching or swelling, muscle spasms in the hands and feet, numbness and tingling in the arms...or around the mouth, and even fainting


While the work of breathing is actually when we inhale more oxygen. It has been scientifically proven that breathing and relaxing relieves stress, relaxes the brain, produces more alpha waves, which are associated with feelings of calm and relaxation, stimulates our immune system and naturally increases dopamine and serotonin levels, alkalinizes the PH of the blood , it has incredible anti-inflammatory abilities, it produces catharsis (the process of releasing emotions such as fear, anger or sadness), it can also reduce the size of the amygdala, which promotes stress-reducing effects (The amygdala is the part of the brain that detects if you are in danger and activates the fight or flight response).

Remember that the client is always in control of the mechanism that drives the depth of the process: breathing. No one is forced to go deeper than he wishes.

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